Home » How to Start a Meeting

How to Start a Meeting

  1. Read, download and/or print the free Guidelines for New Meetings brochure.
  2. Sign up for The Traveler monthly newsletter to keep up with announcements, news and events from around the ACA fellowship.
  3. Contact the Colorado ACA Intergroup at support@coacaig.org and request the following:
    • our free New Meeting Literature Packet (*).
    • to be added to our fellowtravelers email list to receive announcements.
    • to have your meeting added to our online Meeting List.
  4. Get the word out to your community by placing ACA Trifolds (Finding Emotional Sobriety25 Questions – Am I an Adult Child, etc) in libraries, with counselors, community bulletin boards, and/or with other 12 Step fellowships (subject to their permission).  These and other trifolds can be purchased directly from WSO.
  5. Register the meeting with WSO.
  6. The Sample Format (Script) can be used, in the beginning, until the group decides to hold a group conscience meeting to make changes.
  7. The Handbook for Adult Children, starting on page 557 in our fellowship text, also offers assistance and includes a meeting format.
  8. Order any additional ACA literature and/or tokens you may need, at a 30% discount and with free shipping, from our Literature Store (*).

(*) Only available for meetings residing in Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska, who designate their intergroup as Colorado ACA Intergroup on the WSO Meeting Finder page.