- Read, download and/or print the free Guidelines for New Meetings brochure.
- Sign up for The Traveler monthly newsletter to keep up with announcements, news and events from around the ACA fellowship.
- Contact the Colorado ACA Intergroup at support@coacaig.org and request the following:
- our free New Meeting Literature Packet (*).
- to be added to our fellowtravelers email list to receive announcements.
- to have your meeting added to our online Meeting List.
- Get the word out to your community by placing ACA Trifolds (Finding Emotional Sobriety, 25 Questions – Am I an Adult Child, etc) in libraries, with counselors, community bulletin boards, and/or with other 12 Step fellowships (subject to their permission). These and other trifolds can be purchased directly from WSO.
- Register the meeting with WSO.
- The Sample Format (Script) can be used, in the beginning, until the group decides to hold a group conscience meeting to make changes.
- The Handbook for Adult Children, starting on page 557 in our fellowship text, also offers assistance and includes a meeting format.
- Order any additional ACA literature and/or tokens you may need, at a 30% discount and with free shipping, from our Literature Store (*).
(*) Only available for meetings residing in Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska, who designate their intergroup as Colorado ACA Intergroup on the WSO Meeting Finder page.