Home » How to Use the ACA Recovery Support Tool

How to Use the ACA Recovery Support Tool

Welcome to the ACA Recovery Support Tool. This tool helps connect those looking for a sponsor, Step-Study Group, or someone to hear the 5th Step, with those willing to serve as a sponsor. In order to use this tool as a sponsee or sponsor, you will need to set up a profile and be logged in. These steps will help you get started.

We hope you find this tool helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email us at: support@coacaig.org

Scroll to the bottom of the home page. At the bottom right, click ‘Register’.
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On the Account-Signup page, fill out the form.

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  1. Username: Choose a non-personally identifiable username (one that does not include your real name)
  2. Add your email address so notifications can be sent to you
  3. Add a strong password. You can use a random password generator if that helps.
  4. Confirm the password. Be sure to store it somewhere safe as well.
  5. Add your first name
  6. Add your Home meeting group name
  7. Next, select your Role. Are you interested in being a sponsor or co-sponsor? Joining a Step Study Group? Having someone hear your 5th Step? Or being sponsored (sponsee)? Check any or all that apply.
  8. Select how many years you have been in ACA
  9. Answer the Sex/Sexual Orientation/Gender ID – Please identify your sex, orientation, and binary gender identification here. A gentle reminder that not all of our members identify with their gender within the binary of male/female. Some might also identify with a gender that does not seem consistent with their appearance. Please also identify your preferred binary gender identification pronoun here. (Example: female, gay, she/her). For more information on why we ask for this information, please refer to the Big Red Book pg 381 (“Should a Sponsor and Sponsee Be Members of the Same Sex”). Note that this field is optional.
  10. If you are a sponsor or co-sponsor, answer the next two questions
    • Enter your support system(s) or how you are being supported. Examples include: traditional sponsor, co-sponsor, step-study group, etc
    • Fill out your Sponsorship Bio. Enter information about your sponsorship history that you would like potential sponsees to see, e.g. how many fellow travelers you have sponsored, what you’ve learned from being a sponsor, how long you’ve been an ACA sponsor, or anything else you’d like potential sponsees to know about your sponsorship history. See the Big Red Book chapter 11 for more information on being a sponsor.
  11. For Sponsees, enter any information that you require of fellow travelers you will sponsor, e.g. be available for 2 hours/week, be prompt for meeting appointments, do responsible for agreed-upon work between our meetings, or whatever is important to you regarding sponsees.
  12. Next, check the Sponsorship Connection type that helps others understand the best way to connect.
  13. Lastly, For Step Study Groups, select the type of book you will be using as the basis for your book-study group.
  14. Check the “I’m not a Robot” box
  15. Click Sign Up

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One last step. Check your email for the confirmation and click on the activation link. This will take you to the activation page. Click ‘Activate’ and you’re done! Now you can user the Login box at the bottom right of the Home page. You will also get a couple Welcome emails that can help you get started.

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We hope you find this tool helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email us at: support@coacaig.org

When you log in for the first time, you will be presented with the ACA Recovery Support Tool guidelines. Please read through them. When you’re done, please click on Accept.
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Once you accept, you will be redirected to the Home page. You are now officially logged in.

We hope you find this tool helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email us at: support@coacaig.org

Log in and click on the head icon in the upper right corner.

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On the next screen, click the “V” next to the head icon to initiate the drop down menu. From this menu, you have the opportunity to change, your info, email, and password. Don’t forget to click “Save.” Although the system allows you to upload a profile picture, we have turned this feature off to help ensure anonymity and it will not be shown.
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Notifications allow you to get email whenever a member contacts you or wishes to connect via the Friend feature. You can turn off Notifications by clicking on Account Settings and then Notifications.
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If you wish to delete your profile, log in and click on the head icon in the upper right. Then click the head icon in the middle of the page and, on the drop down menu, choose Account Settings. On the next screen, choose Delete Account.

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We hope you find this tool helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email us at: support@coacaig.org

  1. Click the ‘Recovery Support’ menu item in the website header. You must be logged in to see these options.
  2. Choose an item of interest from the drop-down menu. You can search the lists of the various roles. Feel free to click on the different profiles to find one that may work for you.

We hope you find this tool helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email us at: support@coacaig.org

    1. Once you find someone you’d like to contact, click on the Message icon and send them a message. This will send them an email from the system unless they have notifications turned off.
    2. When it seems appropriate to you, you can click on the “Add Friend” icon on a member’s profile so that you can find and contact them again much easier. Their screen name will appear in your Friends list.
    3. Whenever there is a new message to you, you will receive an email with a link to the message and you will see a new message notification when you login unless you have notifications turned off.
    4. The Recovery Support Tool allows you to have real-time conversations. Whenever a user is logged in to the system, they will show up as being “online.” You can click on the Message icon on their profile and send them a message that they will receive in real-time. aca tool screenshot
    5. Whenever a user receives a message while logged in, a small chat box will appear in the lower right corner. You can continue the conversation by messaging back and forth.

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We hope you find this tool helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email us at: support@coacaig.org