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Meeting List

Below is a list of Colorado ACA meetings we know about. You can also check for meetings on the ACA World Services Organization site. If you know of any additions or corrections to the list below, please let us know by emailing us at support@coacaig.org. The information found here is NOT guaranteed to be accurate – please verify with the contact person listed on the WSO site (select “Contact This Meeting”) before attending a meeting!

Day/TimeCityTypeVenueLocationNameLiterature Available
1-Sun/08:30 [8:30am]DenverWe are a book study using both the Big Red Book and the Daily Meditation book.VirtualContact Mtg Secretary at acacoloradosun@proton.meSunday Morning Metro Denver ACA
1-Sun/09:30 [9:30am]LakewoodOpen DiscussionIn-person10210 West 26th Ave #12, Lakewood Colorado,
No Mental Defense
1-Sun/10:00 [10:00am] 2nd and 4th SundaysLakewoodLaundry List Workbook Study GroupIn-personDay At A Time Club
3355 S Wadsworth Blvd H127, Lakewood
The group starts on Sep 22, and will be closed after October, 2024.
Please let me know if you're interested: Cindy C. 720-364-5349
Lakewood Laundry List Sunday Workbook Study Group
1-Sun/10:30 [10:30am]Colorado SpringsDiscussion - Fellowship Text (BRB) - Speaker - Steps - Nonsmoking. All newcomers are very welcome, ages 14 and up! (English) Open to AllIn-personFire Station No. 18, 6830 Hadler View, Colorado Springs 80919 Colorado
Enter through the front door and turn immediately right into the community room.
Safe Haven
1-Sun/16:00 [4:00pm]Grand JunctionDiscussionIn-person1350 N. 7th Street, Grand Junction Colorado, 81501 This meeting is at New Life Church. You can park in the rear parking lot of the building, and enter the door on the right side of the court yard. Our meeting space is the first door to the right.Journey of Hope
1-Sun/18:30 [6:30pm]BroomfieldOpen to All, Book Study, Discussion, Steps, Non SmokingHybrid640 Main St, Broomfield Colorado, 80020 Brunner Farmhouse, Ne Corner Main/midway Yellow Farmhouse On Hill
Contact sundaynightaca05@gmail.com for Zoom link
Hope For Adult Children
1-Sun/19:00 [7:00pm]BoulderOpen to All. Fellowship text. Shares.VirtualContact FrontRangeACA@gmail.com for Zoom link.Front Range ACA
1-Sun/19:00 [7:00pm]CarbondaleOpen to all, Discussion, Fellowship Text, Non SmokingIn-personCircle Club West, 991 Cowen Dr, Carbondale Colorado,
81623 If you're coming from Hwy 82, turn onto Hwy 133 toward Carbondale, take first left onto Cowen Drive. Turn right almost immediately, cross parking lot to
building that is separate and houses Mountain Temps. Go along side of building to door under sign with triangle within a circle. Inside door are stairs that lead to meeting room.
1-Sun/20:00 [8:00pm]DenverOpen to all, Discussion, Fellowship Text, Non SmokingIn-personAlano Club 5455 W 38th Ave., Denver 80212
Sunday Night ACA
2-Mon/12:00 [noon]Crested ButteOpen to All,, Book Study, Non SmokingUnknown403 Maroon Ave, Crested Butte COLORADO, 81224Crested Butte
2-Mon/12:00 [noon]Crested ButteWomen Only, Book Study, Non SmokingVirtualZoom Meeting ID: 840 8899 0979
Text 713-724-4379 for private password, you will need THE LOVING PARENT GUIDEBOOK to participate.
ACA Crested Butte/Gunnison
2-Mon/12:00 [noon]Colorado SpringsDiscussion, Non Smoking, Wheelchair AccessIn-personSacred Heart Parish Center Room #8 There is a code to get in the door entering Room 8. The code is 6462. This building is in Old Colorado City
(English) Open to All
Fill in the Blank Group (CO0098)
2-Mon/17:30 [5:30pm]Fort CollinsOpen to all, Steps, Yellow Workbook
Non Smoking
In-person301 Drake Rd.,
Christ United Methodist Church, Room 107
Fort Collins 80526 Colorado (Larimer Cty)
Fort Collins 12 Step Yellow Workbook (CO0117)
2-Mon/18:00 [6:00pm]Cody, WYFellowship Text (BRB) - Non SmokingIn-personUnited Methodist Church -- 1405 Beck Avenue, in Classroom across main sanctuary. Entrance off 14th street near UPS Store.Cody Adult Children
2-Mon/18:00 [6:00pm]LakewoodACA WSO-Conference-Approved reading followed by discussion
(English) Open to All (In Person)
Format: Discussion
In-personDay At A Time Club
3355 S Wadsworth Blvd H127
Lakewood 80227
Beyond Survival (CO0129)
2-Mon/18:30 [6:30pm]ConiferOpen to all, Discussion,
Non Smoking
Unknown9998 Havekost Road, Conifer Colorado, 80433 Right Behind Ace Hardware On Barkley RdColorado Fourteeners
2-Mon/18:30 [6:30pm]LongmontOpen to All,Beginners, Fellowship TextVirtualThis is an online meeting only. Please contact Karen at henson55@indra.com to receive the Zoom link info to attend this meeting.Big Red Book Newcomers Meeting (CO0079)
2-Mon/19:00 [7:00pm]
NO MEETING Christmas, New Year's Day, Dr. MLK Day, and President's Day due to church closures.
DenverFormat: Fellowship Text
Notes: Non Smoking
In-personThis IN PERSON meeting starts at 7 PM in Classroom 206B of Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church at Montview and Dahlia (1980 Dahlia St). Enter through the Dahlia lobby door near the silver code box, take half-floor lift or stairs up to elevator level, take elevator to 2nd floor, follow signs to Classroom 206B.Park Hill Monday ACA (CO0115)Yes
2-Mon/20:00 [8:00pm]PuebloDiscussion - Steps, Non Smoking - Wheelchair Access - (English) Open to AllIn-person740 W. 15th Street,Pueblo 81003Peace and Joy (CO0097)Yes
3-Tue/06:07 [6:07am]Winter ParkOpen to AllUnknown75 High County Dr., Winter Park Colorado, 80482 Cranmer Memorial ChapelGrand County
3-Tue/17:30 [5:30pm]Fort CollinsOpen to All. This is a Big Red Book Study meeting where we gather in fellowship to read and share. All are welcome.In-person301 E Drake Rd,
Christ United Methodist Church, Room 107
Fort Collins 80525 Colorado Larimer County
Fort Collins ACA Big Red Book Study Meeting (CO0121)
3-Tue/18:00 [6:00pm-7:15pm]DenverOpen to all. Literature and shares.VirtualFor information about, and an invite to, our meeting please send email to: lovingparentsolution@proton.meACA Loving Parent Solution
3-Tue/18:00 [6:00pm]BoulderBig Red Book meetingHybridBoulder Alano Club, 4800 Baseline Rd Unit B102, Boulder, CO 80303
Access the Zoom meeting via their link on the Alano Club website - https://boulderalanoclub.org/information-about-online-meetings/
Tuesday big red book meeting (CO0133)
3-Tues/18:00 [6:00pm]Fort CollinsLaundry List Traits Steps, Loving Parent Guidebook
(CLOSED to new members)
In-personUnity Church on Vine in Fort Collins
ACA at Unity
3-Tue/18:00 [6:00pm]Grand JunctionOpen to All,Beginners, LGBT+, People of Color, Secular/Agnostic/Atheist, Young Adult (Ages 18 to 26), , Book Study, , Smoking, Wheelchair Access,
Smoking is only allowed outside
In-person1350 N 7th St., Grand Junction Colorado, 81501 This meeting has changed locations to New Life Church.Path to Serenity Big Red Book Meeting
3-Tue/18:30 [6:30pm]Colorado SpringsDiscussion - beginners - nonsmoking. If you do not have a book we will provide one. This is a discussion and exercise meeting deriving from the workbook (The Loving Parent Guidebook: The solution to becoming your own loving parent)
(English) Open to All
In-personBeth-El Mennonite Church 4625 Ranch Dr, Colorado Springs 80918 Colorado El Paso
This meeting is held in the library.
(Carrie B. 719-344-4437, badazug@gmail.com)
The Loving Parent Guidebook CO0108Yes
3-Tue/19:00 [7:00pm]HotchkissOpen to All,, Book Study, Discussion, Fellowship Text, Steps, WorkshopIn-person180 2nd Street, Hotchkiss Colorado, 81419North Fork
3-Tue/19:00 [7:00pm]Wheat RidgeOpen to All, Book Study, Discussion, Newcomers welcomeVirtualPlease contact wheatridgeaca@gmail.com to request a Zoom link.Wheat Ridge ACA
4-Wed/10:15 [10:15am]Grand JunctionDiscussionIn-person7th Street, Grand Junction Colorado, 81501 This meeting is at New Life Church. You can park in the rear parking lot of the building, and enter the door on the right side of the court yard. Our meeting space is the first door to the right.Journey of Hope
4-Wed/18:00 [6:00pm]DenverOpen to All, Focus: Discussion, Fellowship Text, StepsHybridRestored Hope 2290 S Clayton Street Denver Colorado 80210. We are going back to hybrid meetings Wed. April 6th 2022. 720-771-8666
Restored Hope
4-Wed/19:00 [7:00pm]CarbondaleOpen to all, Discussion, Book Study, StepsUnknownCircle Club West, 991 Cowen Drive, Carbondale COLORADO, 81623 Far left side of building, downstairs.Carbondale ACA -- Step study
4-Wed/19:00 [7:00pm]BoulderOpen to All,Beginners, Discussion, Fellowship Text, Call2Parent, Non SmokingIn-PersonThis meeting has returned to in-person only as of 4/2022. Directions: At St. Andrew Presbyterian Church. Enter on the SOUTH side of the building. If you get there before 7pm a greeter will be at the door. If you get there after 7pm please ring the buzzer marked “ACA.” The building has restricted access, so follow the notes hung inside to find the meeting. For more information call or text +1-720-722-2147 or send email to BoulderACA@gmail.com. We look forward to connecting with you!
**On the first Wednesday of every month this meeting specifically focuses on the topic of reparenting (Becoming Your Own Loving Parent).
**The virtual part of this meeting has moved to Sundays at 7PM and is now “Front Range ACA”. Same folks, similar format, and all are welcome! Login information can be found in this directory under “Front Range ACA.”
Serenity, Courage, And WisdomYes
4-Wed/20:00 [8:00pm]PuebloDiscussion, beginners
Needs Support
We are a new group! Business meetings are encouraged for new members, and are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, 5:30pm!
In-person10 University Cir,Pueblo 81005 Colorado
Meeting access door in the back of the church. Parking is in the lot by the playground. Meeting room downstairs 4th door on the right near the end of the hall. *Please note there are stairs to navigate to get to the meeting!*
Actors Not Reactors (CO0140)
5-Thu/12:00 [noon]DenverOpen to All, Discussion, Non SmokingIn-Person2122 S. Lafayette St., Denver 80210
Corner of Lafayette and Evans at Free Spiritual Community
Doing the Laundry (CO0122)
5-Thu/17:45 [5:45pm]BrightonOpen to All, Book Study, Discussion, Steps, , Non SmokingHybrid510 S. 27th Ave., Brighton Colorado, 80601 We are now meeting at the 1st Presbyterian Church in Brighton. We also do Zoom for now. Walk in main entrance on south side of building. Go left past sanctuary and through glass doors into library. On left is the Founders Room where we hold our meeting.Healing Hearts
5-Thu/17:45 [5:45pm]DenverWe take turns reading from the Big Red Book and sharing on text.VirtualZoom meeting:
852 8880 3704
Passcode: promises
Thursday ACA Online Meeting
5-Thu/18:30 [6:30pm]AuroraBook study of the ACA big red book and discussion.VirtualWe are meeting on zoom until further notice, our meeting # is 9439360491 password AuroraACA starting 6/17/21 we will be requiring a password. It is AuroraACAAurora ACA
5-Thu/19:00 [7:00pm]DenverOpen to All,, Discussion, Fellowship Text, ,
Non Smoking
In-personThis IN PERSON meeting starts at 7 PM in Classroom 206B of Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church at Montview and Dahlia (1980 Dahlia St). Enter through the Dahlia lobby door near the silver code box, take half-floor lift or stairs up to elevator level, take elevator to 2nd floor, follow signs to Classroom 206B.Park Hill Thursday (CO0070)Yes
5-Thu/19:00 [7:00pm]ParkerFormat: Discussion - Fellowship Text "Strengthening my Recovery"
Notes: Wheelchair Access
In-person7051 Parker Hills Court,Parker 80138 Colorado
Joy Lutheran Church in Parker. Enter through southwest entrance, next to the playground. Meeting is in the "North Room" found by turning left down first hallway after entering through the southwest door.
You are heard (CO0137)
6-Fri/09:00 [9:00am]LongmontOpen to All,, Fellowship TextHybrid1801 Sunset Pl, Unit B, Longmont COLORADO, 80501 Between Pike Rd and Ken Pratt Blvd, West off of S. Sunset St. In a one-story tan office building that also houses Calvary Chapel of Longmont. If you wish to attend by zoom, email keepitsimpletreasurer@gmail.com and our Technology Rep, Susan S, will add you to our zoom invitations address list. You will receive a new link each Friday morning around 8:00am.Keep It Simple
6-Fri/12:00 [noon]PaoniaBook Study, Discussion Non Smoking, Wheelchair AccessIn-person233 Grand Ave, Paonia Colorado, 81428 In the KVNF radio station Community RoomPaonia 11th Step Friday
6-Fri/18:30 [6:30pm]Colorado SpringsFellowship Text (BRB), Beginners. If you do not have a book we can provide one. This is a discussion/shares meeting.
(English) Open to All
In-personBeth-El Mennonite Church 4625 Ranch Dr, COLORADO SPRINGS 80918 Colorado
Enter through the Western-most door, far end of the parking lot away from parking lot entrance This meeting is held in the library.
(Carrie B. 719-344-4437, badazug@gmail.com)
Red Book Discussion (CO0136)Yes
7-Sat/08:00 [8:00am]DenverOpen to All, BRB Reading (Chapter 8), Selected Readings and Affirmations (The Loving Parent Guidebook)VirtualOnline Only/Google Meet. For sign-in information, contact g-web0675-becoming-your-own-loving-parent@coacaig.org or 215-253-1491.Becoming Your Own Loving Parent
7-Sat/08:30 [8:30am]Castle RockEnglish speaking
Type: Open to All, Book Study, Discussion, Beginners
In-personCastle Rock Clubhouse
404 Jerry Street,Castle Rock 80104 Colorado
Castle Rock Adult Children
7-Sat/08:30 [8:30am]SteamboatOpen to All,Open to all, Discussion, Book Study, Speaker, Fellowship Text, StepsUnknown437 Oak Street, Steamboat Springs COLORADO, 80487 Upstairs above the Hair on Earth salon.Steamboat
7-Sat/09:00 [9:00am]LovelandOpen to All,, Discussion, , Non SmokingHybrid2000 N. Lincoln Ave., Loveland Colorado, 80538 Face to face meeting resume on July 10, at the 1st Christian Church just north of cemetery. Park on north side of building, and use the north door, then follow the green arrows. Meeting is also on Zoom.Loveland Newcomers
7-Sat/09:00 [9:00am]EnglewoodBook study of the ACA big red book and discussion.In-personOrchard Club, 8484 Valley Hwy., Unit 250Breaking the Cycle (CO131)
7-Sat/09:30 [9:30am]ConiferOpen to All,, DiscussionHybridThe Mountain Club at 12795 Highway 285, Conifer Colorado, 80433
Call-In Option: 605-475-4897, code: 707717#
Mountain Wake Up Call
7-Sat/10:00 [10:00am]DenverOpen to All,, Book Study, Discussion, Fellowship Text, ,
Non Smoking
VirtualZoom Meeting:
Denver Saturday Morning
7-Sat/10:15 [10:15am]DenverOpen to AllIn-person690 Colorado Blvd, Denver 80206 Colorado. Please note there is NO entrance on Colorado Blvd. Enter the church parking lot from 7th Ave. There are two entrances to the church from the parking lot; one with an elevator, one with stairs. The Upper Room is on the second floor, right across from the elevator.Colorado 123
7-Sat/13:00 [1:00pm]DenverThis is a Tony A. 12 Step reading and meeting.
(English) Open to All
In-person2122 South Lafayette Street,Denver 80210
We meet in the room to the left of the restrooms.
Feeling Is Healing
7-Sat/19:00 [7:00pm]SalidaBook Study, StepsHybridJoin Zoom Meeting at
https://csupueblo.zoom.us/j/98964816209Meeting ID: 989 6481 6209 Passcode: ACA
Restoration to Sanity